09 May 2007

Decisions, Decisions...

Before you set out to create the press kit for you and your band, the very first thing to do after you decide that you are going to make your music your work, is to create a plan of action.

It helps to dream big and with that huge dream, state your overall purpose that you have for creating music.

A statement such as "Creating Music in Order to Make money" is not going to get you very far.

A statement such as "Creating Music That Makes People Feel Happy" or "Creating Music That Inspires Others to Create" or "Creating Music That Invokes the Idea That a Person Can Acheive His/Her Dreams" will get you a long way in your endeavor.

Putting the dreams down on paper is the very first step to making the dream come true - and this is done long before you create your Press Kit.

A stated purpose and a general layout of the steps to do are vital to the success of any venture, whether it's a project around the house, a business idea that you want to bring to fruition or any type of dream that you want to achieve - getting the basics written is the first step.

A bright idea, no matter how out of this world, can be accomplished if a person sits down and works it out. Keep it simple. It is not necessary to get complicated or verbose about your ideas or purposes.

What is needed is to create a simple statement of purpose, then a concise layout of the steps that you can do to accomplish it.

For example, to name the purpose of being a successful working musician, consider the following questions in order to write your purpose:

1. Are you creating music to help people in any way? or inspire others? or to help yourself to express emotions that are important to let others know about?
2. Why music? Why not working in a factory? Why would you want to get famous as a singer/musician?
3. What is it that you are looking to acheive with your music?

Write out your purpose, work on it until you have it just right. The next article will be about how to write your plan.

To Your Success!

Creating Press Kit Information
Brought to you by Help 2 Succeed

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